I am going to make a story book for Lizzy out of a few of the pictures of her family and a few pictures of her life with us and it will be about her Mommy who grew her in her tummy, her Papa who loved her before we ever knew her and about how she came to live with us. I will put a picture of our house in it and tell her that she lives here now and that "Mommy and Papa" live somewhere else and that she is not going to live with them.
My reason for doing this is so she can let go of that idea, or at least I will be letting her know in 2 year old language that she is not going back there. If the day comes that she goes to legal dad, or somewhere else, I will add that in to our story time to get her ready to go there as well.
For those who may read this and don't know the whole story:
At this point the court will never be returning Lizzy to the house she was taken out of. It will not happen. You can ask anyone involved. She will either stay here, go live with legal dad, be adopted by someone other than us, or by some miracle she may be returned to her mom who has moved out of state. There is no option for her to go home to the home she may remember. My goal is to help her understand and accept that.
Beautiful answer to the problem. I hope it works as well as it sounds like it should.
I think the book sounds just beautiful. I can't imagine what this situation is doing to Lizzy's poor little mind/emotions. Praying for you and for her.
I like that idea.
I think this is a great idea. We have a book for our daughter that we read often about her story. Although she doesn't have the history Lizzy does it still helps her start to understand her story.
I even made a very simple board book of how we found her which she loves.
So heart breaking to think about a 2 year old holding out hope to return to a home that she hasn't lived at for so long.
Been on vacation so I'm just catching up. But I like that idea, and think sometimes we have to push reality on little ones in a way they can understand. That's part of life!!
Great idea! Glad you found a plan that fits you and her!
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