Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So, if you are a foster mom you are well acquainted with being responsible to fill out medical forms (and many other forms) that you don't necessarily have the answers to.

After I took Lizzy to the doctor the last time I called her mom to let her know how the doctor appt. went.  While I was on the phone with her mom I remembered that on the forms I had just filled out I had put that Lizzy had no known allergies and I asked her mom if she knew if Lizzy had any allergies.

This is what she said:

"Well, I know that her brother had to be rushed to the hospital and almost had to have a treach put in because he was allergic to smoke.  His dad was smoking cigarettes and crack around him and his air pipe almost completely closed but the hospital got it back open before they had to give him a treach."

Good to know.

Do you think of the next form I fill out I should write "family history of children having allergic reactions to cocaine smoke"?

I will have to call the doctors office and ask that they do not smoke any crack around Lizzy.


Always Faith said...


Lynn said...

The things you have to keep a straight face for when you're a foster parent!!


Kylee said...

I just laughed while reading this! I know it's really not all too funny for her brother, but the fact her bio mom told you that as if it was no big deal. Goodness! : )

Glenda said...

WOW that is so sad. I think i would be calling the Dr. office and the caseworker to have that put in the case file.

Ashley said...

I've decided that you should write a book.

Rebecca said...

Haha! Love it!

Did the hospital remove her brother at that time, or was mom not as open with them about why he couldn't breathe?

MamaFoster said...

the brother that she speaks of has already had his parental rights terminated and lives with his father's parents and she has no contact with him.

she claims they tricked her into turning her rights over to them BUT seems to be ok with him living there and is sure he is taken care of.

Mrs. Bird said...

OY! LOL, I haven't had that experience as a foster mom, yet, but as a teacher I get some interesting "stories."

Esther said...

I just found your blog - SO funny! Thanks for your dry humor and the laugh this morning! :)

Kateri said...

I know it's not funny but....LOL!!! Sometimes you just gotta laugh....and in your case, you gotta laugh or you won't stop crying!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I'm laughing because my foster kids mother always has something totally off the wall to say. It's hard to keep a straight face because you find yourself wondering, "is she really serious?"

Well atleast you can actually call the mom and ask questions, in my case I have no contact with the mom outside of the CPS office. All questions are addressed via the caseworker. Sometimes that's a good thing though.

aka. Mimi said...

OMG! It always amazes me at what comes out of some of their mouths, like it's no big deal at all. You have to have a sense of humor about it, or you'd go crazy. Definitely make certain there is no crack-smoking at the doctor's office! ;-)