Monday, November 8, 2010


The DHS worker didn't show up.

It was a scream-fest.

Lizzy's worker did great though.  She did everything I would have done in her shoes and for that I am thankful.  It didn't change anything, but I appreciate the effort.

I don't know if I can keep doing this.

I wasn't built to watch kids get tortured on a weekly basis.


Ruth said...

((((hugs))) I always had transportation for my kids visits. I couldnt bear it otherwise. I would hug the child and let the transportation person pick them up and carry them out to the car. I never put the child in the car. ever... I was the "safe" person they came home to. I was always careful to act excited for them. encouraging them, but always making the social workers and judges the bad guys.
Its hard, its painful, but its foster care! Sadly...

Ashley said...

This has to be one of the toughest parts of it... :-(

Lynn said...

Praying for you. This part of fostering sucks!

FootPrints said...

oohh no. so sorry mama! i have no idea how to help you!

Kylee said...

ahh man, poor baby girl. I prayed for her (and you!) today...that God's perfect will shines forth. Continuing to pray...

Missional Family said...

When my now 5 yo daughter had visits with bio mom it was awful!! From 11 mos until 2 yrs old, she had not seen this woman. I was the only mommy she knew. It broke my heart week after week when the visit person had to pull her away from me kicking and screaming. It was worse when bio parents would laugh. Hard to bite my tongue!!

As for visits, it was 2.5 yrs into the case b4 the case worker ever saw her and bio mom in a room together. Sadly don't count on visits to end. It is one of those steps judges take seriously. A bio could win a TPR appeal on nit having been given the opportunity to visit with their child.

In above mentioned case, bio mom was at maybe 30% of visits over 3.5 yr long case and even if the judge would suspend them, it was only temporary (less than 3 weeks).

Eventually my daughter got used to visits and it wasn't as hard on her, but she never considered bio mom anything more than an occasional playmate.

Many prayers! It is very hard to watch those on the case not doing what we feel should be done! We witnessed it over and over and over!

Definitely go to court, advocate, but remember to play it cool or they can remove her saying you won't support reunification. We had it threatened to us.

Again, many prayers!!

Mrs. Bird said...

Heartbreaking. I'm sorry. The visits and their ramifications are our biggest challenge :(