Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Going from 3 toddlers to 1 toddlers has been very...peaceful.

Last night when we were out to dinner at a normal restaurant I looked at my husband with a smile and said, "Would you have ever guessed we would think she is easy?" - as Lizzy squirmed around in her seat and grabbed at everything on the table.

We both just shook our heads and smiled.

Doing everything times 3 was hard, tedious, and not always enjoyable. It was a huge lesson in seeing the good in every situation, being patient and not giving up. We love our kids enough to take care of them, make huge efforts to have for with them and basically hand 6 months of our lives over to them (or 12 months...or 16 months).

That is how it feels because the situations suck you in. After everything is said and done and they leave you feel like that 6 months of your life just got in a car and drove away.

I am glad we do what we do, but it is also the weirdest most intense thing I have ever experienced in my life.


spng7 said...

As long as you feel you made a difference ... your time was well spent.

Mie said...

Well said - all of it is very hard to explain to folks who haven't gone through it. Hang in there and remember it can get crazy again :) It's funny how when they go home you realize how easy X children are to take care of, no matter what that lower number is. I try to pat us on the back for a little while for making it through that long-distance sprint.

D said...

You said it perfectly......After everything is said and done and they leave you feel like that 6 months of your life just got in a car and drove away.
I've been grasping with how to put into words how I feel everytime a placement leaves (so far it's always been to adoption)