Sunday, February 27, 2011


My three little girls had a better week last week then they had had in a while. Less fighting, less screaming, less getting in trouble...

It has been nice. I am trying very hard to be very calm with them and I know that helps as well, I am sure they are feeding off my stress at times and it just makes things worse.

Our two new girls were supposed to be moved to a different you can see they haven't been...yet.

They have court on the 16th. I don't know if they are being moved or not. Today as I played with the littlest baby I was a little heavy hearted as I see in her eyes that I am turning in "mama". I will be very sad when/if she leaves.


Unknown said...

I get that...wondering if Baby Man will be returned to parents tomorrow. Just so, so weird.

Rebecca said...

I get that, too. Right now the time when my girls leave seems far off (at least 3 months, probably 5-6), so I'm not constantly worried that they might be yanked out of my home at a moment's notice. However, what gets me is that we are almost reaching the point when the baby will have lived more of her life with ME than she did with her biological mother. And even though we have not reached that point quite yet, it is clear that she has completely forgotten her mother. I am "mama" and while that is precious to me, it is also heartbreaking, because when she leaves, she will grieve the loss of the only mama she remembers and go to live with a stranger...her biological mother. :( I'm not sure my heart will be able to handle that.

Carol said...

We at our house have come to understand that in foster care there is only one thing you can know for sure and that is that you don't know anything for sure. Just when you think you know where a case is headed things can do a total flip.

Not Just A Birth Mom said...

:( It's always heartbreaking when they leave... For you and the kids