Saturday, December 4, 2010


Dear Lizzy's Mom,

This past week you were finally given a three hour visit with your daughter who has not lived with you since March.  

I know you are not used to taking care of a toddler anymore and that they are a lot of work AND that the rooms that the visits are held in are small and you don't like them BUT-

Ending your first 3 hour visit after only an 1 hour and a half because you want to go home and lay in bed leaves a bad taste in my mouth.  Lately you have been doing all sorts of things that I don't appreciate and you obvious lack of caring is sad.  And, no, she does NOT need to be eating marshmallows and halloween candy at 9 am.

I am rooting for you so much and I am just short of dragging you to the finish line because Lizzy does not deserve to have to go live with Mr. Legal Dad just because you are lazy and I am pretty sure don't mind her living with me.  Please Please Please get it together before you screw things up really bad for her.

-Mama Foster

"Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother." - Oprah


Unknown said...

I just want to yell at her!!!
And I love that quote from Oprah. One of the only good things she has ever said.

Jen said...

hahaha@ Heather, that made me literally laugh out loud (the oprah statement) and you are right, that is so sad that she doesn't care enough to even try to get it together..:(

Our Journey said...

Don't you wish you could shake them into caring??? Wake them up!! I am at that point with Little Man's mom/dad too! Praying that Lizzy's mom is able to get it together and be the mom she needs to be!

Kelli said...

Yeah, not an Oprah fan at all but find that statement to be very true! It is sad that her mom has no interest. Think about it, if she ONLY gets to see her child once a week and doesn't care to spend that much time with her, how would she act if Lizzy was home ALL the time.

Rebecca said...

Wow! The one thing I have been told by CPS that will HURT the bio parents chance of getting their kids back (short of committing a crime or a positive drug test) is missing a visit for ANY reason. I am shocked that a mother would end her visit early when she already went to all the effort to get there in the first place :(

StarfishMom said...

You're killing me!!!! :*(

Glenda said...

I'm sorry to hear that Lizzy's mom is not being the mom that she could be.

Rebekah said...

Oh, man. Praying for that sweet girl.

Unknown said...

Wow! I can't even find words to form my thoughts into. Unbelievable self-centeredness!