Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I wish I was better at keeping secrets.  

Now that I have actually managed to keep one from you it is time to let it out.

There is a boy.

His name is Joseph.

We have been asked to adopt him.

I'll tell you the rest tomorrow :)


Kylee said...

What?! This is so, so, so, exciting!! I can't wait to hear more about this sweet little boy! : )

Rebecca said...

This is just cruel and unusual!!!

gram said...

Exciting!! :)

Carrie said...

Wow! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Ashley said...


Ashley said...

I am so happy for you guys :), and can't wait to hear more!!!

Lynn said...

Tomorrow?! I have to wait until tomorrow?! No fair! (be sure to say that in the whiny voice of an ODD foster daughter LOL)

Kelli said...

aahhhhh...NO WAY! Praying for you, that God will reveal his plan

aka. Mimi said...

Oh, that's just mean! You know I have the patience of a whiny 2-year-old! :) Very excited for you though!!! Can't wait to hear more.

FootPrints said...


Mrs. Bird said...

How exciting! Can't wait to hear the rest :)

Diane said...

I am so happy for you! What an exciting time! It is so amazing how God opens a new door when it seems like an old door is closing! Hurry, hurry and do tell the rest.

the johnson crew said...

i want to hear more too. praying for you all.

Glenda said...

Praying for your family. Can't wait to hear the rest of the story ;)

Endless Foster Love said...

wow woW wOW and WOW!!!

Always Faith said...

sheesh, i'm out of touch with the internet for a few days and come back to this? =) Can't wait to hear the whole story!

Unknown said...

I just got back from Savannah so I am trying to catch up but this is SOOOO exciting!