Monday, October 18, 2010


So, what do you do on your last day?  What do you do with your last hours that you have with a child that has called you "Mom" for 16 months?
Everything we normally do.  

That is what we did.  

Everyone that we normally go and see, we went and said goodbye to.

Just a different kind of goodbye.

We went and played with friends that we played with every week.

We went and saw everyone that was realistically within driving distance.

We had lunch, we were all together and then we came home.

And she left.

  We chose to be our version of our normal family on our last day.

That is what we did. 


Ashley said...

You are such an inspiration to me. I think you did exactly the right things. I cannot imagine the difficulty, nor can I imagine what you and your family are going through. I love your blog, the good, the bad and the ugly you tell it all :)

I hope that when I'm in this boat, I show the same courage as you.

Lee Ann said...

Oh girl, I am so sorry. I just found your blog today. I have been a foster mom for 2 1/2 years, and have had 3 kids go home, one we are in process of adopting, and one we are waiting on the outcome of the case.
The Lord alone knows the depth of your grief, and the Lord alone can heal. May his grace and mercy be with you and your family.

FootPrints said...

we did normal stuff too...for all of them. the workers reminded us that it was a happy occasion ;)/:( for the kids. that they wanted to be with their parents and seeing us cry would just make them feel uneasy about the transition.

so in all cases as soon as i turned the corner i cried. damn tears.

Endless Foster Love said...

We tried to keep things just as normal as we could. I was just looking at pictures this weekend of me rocking my great niece for the last time, brushing her hair for the last time and giving her a kiss for the last time. Not easy looking at those photos. Nov will be one year and it is easier today than it was one year ago but still not easy.
You are in my prayers.

Unknown said...

Those last days are hard. I've done foster care and very much admire you for what you do. I think foster care is probably one of the hardest things anyone will ever do. God bless you for taking care of God's little angels.

Mary said...

Hugs. (I've never had a placement longer than 9 months.) Wishing your family comfort during this hard time.

Penelope said...

The little girl we had for only 3 months left a crater in my heart after she left. I can't imagine your loss...