Monday, October 25, 2010


Time has marched on.

One of our little girls is no longer ours -

but we still have two amazing kids that we get to spoil rotten.

And trust me, we do.

We took them to a local place were they got to ride a train and go trick-or-treating early with some of our family.

They had a blast.

That was last weekend - this weekend we took them to a indoor water park.

That was even more fun.

I am so proud of the progress Lizzy is making.  

She is calming down and starting to listen and obey.

We have become quite the buddies lately.

We do everything together.  If you have a 1-2 year old you know what I mean - heaven forbid I close the bathroom door.

And, my son, well - he is still as amazing as ever.

I will have a story about Mr. Amazing tomorrow.


Ashley said...

I'm so happy of well Lizzy's doing :), and can't wait to hear the story about Mr. Amazing tomorrow :)

FootPrints said...

OH MY GOSH!! i didnt realize that was a person under the skeleton mask!! i though it was fake! SO CUTE them two!

Becca B. said...

So good to hear Lizzy is settling down. Still so sad about S leaving...I can't imagine the heartache your feeling. Know other have gone there before you friend, and can assure you, this too, shall pass. Love you and praying!

Endless Foster Love said...

Love the pic of Lizzy's little wings from behind....precious. It's so nice when they begin to obey and settle in to the ways of your home.

I know your family is missing S terrible but glad that you are able to find some good times together. Looking forward to hearing more about Joseph!

gram said...

such cute kids. Any update on J. ??

jendoop said...

Oh, I know what you mean about the bathroom door. In fact I have perfected the one handed door close simultaneous lock. The few times I can go in silence it is odd.

Holidays are good markers of progress. Even if it's Halloween it is a chance to celebrate and have fun together.