Tuesday, December 6, 2011



this makes me so sad. THIS is what I am talking about when I talk about foster care and holidays.


aka. Mimi said...

Right?!? I just read that too! I've been really lucky as far as the holidays are concerned so far. Out of my six, the only ones that I had for Christmas were Booger and Angel, and their families and I were on really good terms, so we were able to work out our own Christmas schedules. I was able to have them for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, and they spend the afternoon with their bio families. No idea what the plan is for Monkey this year though. He hasn't had any unsupervised visits all year and they haven't done anything special for any other holiday, so I don't EXPECT anything different. But you know foster care. They might decide Christmas is the perfect time to let them have their first extended, overnight unsupervised visit. And that would suck. :(

Karen said...

Our Piglet's next court date is just a few days before Christmas. Although the chances are slim of visits changing and her spending Christmas with her bio parents, part of me cringes every time I realize there's a possibility of not having her on Christmas. :(