Wednesday, August 3, 2011

*raises hand*

I have a question for all of your foster moms.

What is the youngest age you have see a child's parental rights terminated-as in totally terminated and available for adoption?

I want to know the age of the child and if you would like to share the circumstances and if you adopted them or not that is up to you.


Kelly said...

My youngest baby was only 5 months 1 day old when TPR was granted on him...along with his five older siblings. We finalized his adoption when he was 8.5 months old. This only happened because my worker rocks and because there were five other siblings that were all being TPR'd together. We adopted four of them and another family adopted the other two. The BP had abandoned the children from the beginning and NEVER attempted to get them back. When the two babies (born one year, one day apart) were born she abandoned both of them at the hospital and we got them at 24 hours old and right after birth. {This is not the usual case}

Shantra said...

7 month when tar happened, total abandonment. Came to me at 9 months adopted at 16 m

Diane said...

A motion can be filed for TPR after 6 months in the case of abandonment, but the actual order is usually a couple months later. In my little one's case, it would have been 9 months except for a paperwork technicality. It ended up being 11 months old because they had to republish notice. The only case I have ever seen where it was younger than 8 months (which requires a stellar case manager) is when the newborn is born into a case already on the way to TPR like in your first comment (also requiring a really good CM).

kendi said...

The TPR hearing was 5 days before our son turned 9 mos. He came to us as an adoptive placement at 6.5 mos. We adopted him when he was almost 14 mos. We had to wait for him to be in our home for 6 months. Dad was never named, but mom made an attempt to reunify, it just was a very weak attempt. She didn't appeal the TRP. We had an awesome sw that was on it. Our daughter's mom wanted her adopted but didn't sign relinquishment papers before she left the hospital so we had to go thru TPR. She was adopted at 11.5 months. Her sw was slower than our son's so it could have been MUCH faster.

Tammy said...

Our earliest one was 2 months old termination and 8 months adoption finalized. There were prior terminations and other stuff.
My other early one they called us when she was 4 months looking for an adoptive family the rights were already terminated. She was in foster care since birth and had some medical issues so they were having a hard time finding a family. We got her at 5 months because workers have to have there little meetings and her adoption was finalized when she was 11 months. There were other terminations and stuff with her birth mom.

rachel said...

My quickest one was finalized at 14 months old. Sorry, I don't even remember how old she was when TPR happened. But you just never know, five years later her bio brother was born, I picked him up at the hospital. Now he is 23 months old and still not TPR'd. but will be very soon. same family, same county. aggrevated circumstance. Boy, flexibility is the key word here.

Carla said...

4 months. Still waiting on the adoption though a year later.

Anonymous said...

Our daughter came to us 4 days old from the hospital. Bioparents had a lenghty case history with the county (10 other children!) and the last of the children had been tpr'd within past 9 months. Older children decided to age out of system and the younger 6 were adopted. Judge was not happy with this family and signed TPR order when our daughter was 8 weeks old. Adoption was slightly delayed due to paperwork, but finalized at 10 months old. The adoptive parents of her bio-sibs declined placement.

Denver Laura said...

We've had 5 kids and none have TPR'd. We are a fost-adopt home.

CandCFamily said...

My Daughter was placed at 5 1/2 months, TPR was at 8 months, adoption filed at 11 months, adoption finalized at 12 1/2 months. The SW said it was the fastest she has ever seen as did the lady who facilitates our Foster Cluster group trainings. We couldn't be happier. Our other daughter is 9 months, placed at just under three months. Judge denied going to termination at last hearing and next hearing won't happen until she is almost 13 months.