She said she had gotten the petition back and was making the adjustments that the district attorney suggested-she also was updating it to the current status of the case. We talked for quite a while and she is the one that brought up the fact that Legal Dad had not come to a visit since they drug tested him.
She said that from now on if mom or legal dad comes to a visit they are going to be drug tested in the office. That should be interesting.
She said things are going to move very slowly, but they are moving. I told her I was hoping to have a meeting with the new worker and she said that would be a good idea, especially since in this case I am the one who has the most experience in court and in the case in general. That is a very sad, but true statement.
So, I am going to try to do that soon because her next hearing is Dec. 15th.
I know with our younger 2, DH and I, along with the judge were the only ones at every hearing (except the one where she wasn't placed with us yet). The CWs changed, the lawyers changed, service providers changed, and even bios missed way more hearings than they ever attended. In the 3.5 years of the case, the judge always noted that over all these years, we were the only ones who had any clue what was going on with the girls. Pretty true!
just catching up, been busy with the major cooking project I like to torture myself with :) I love your heart for lizzy's mom....even though she is VERY hard to like, you do it with grace and mercy just like Jesus asks us to do. well done girl!!
Sad, but true, but all too common!
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