Thursday, January 12, 2012


To answer my own question:

It took two hours and that was with BOTH parents not showing up for court.


I will write more tomorrow.

Thank you for the prayers guys, God moved! If you pray, He heard you.


Heather said...

Does it feel real yet? Our court is scheduled for the 24th.. and it is scheduled form 9am-5pm...and is 2 hours away.

Katelyn said...

I'm so happy for you, and especially for Lizzy. I just found out yesterday that TPR on the boys happened Friday...not sure what to make of that.

Alison said...

I'm so excited for you!!! This is the best thing I've heard all day!

Oh and I love your baby picture... so sweet.

Robin said...

Yay!!! One step closer!

cupKait said...

you dont know me and i dont even know your name:)but i found your blog a few weeks ago and have been keeping up with your story and i wanted you to know i was praying for you guys today and i am so glad things went well- enjoy loving on your little girl:) God is good!

aka. Mimi said...

Can I "Like" this post? I "Like" this post!!! It's definitely been a LONG, bumpy ride, but I'm SO HAPPY things are finally moving for you guys (and most of all, for Lizzy). One step closer to forever! :-)

Cherub Mamma said...

I'm glad you didn't have to deal with any extra drama today. I'll pray that the rest of the adoption adventure goes as smoothly!

Teresa said...


Endless Foster Love said...

Such a huge day for your family. Bitter sweet in the fact that Lizzy's parents never stepped up like they should have .....but now the sweetness Lizzy will find with her new forever family. Praise God!

*Brittany said...

Im soo happy everything worked out for your family!! :)

Rachael said...

Oh, I'm so glad! What good news.

Carrie said...

So happy for all of you. It must be such a relief!

Anonymous said...

Incredible! Good news for Lizzy.

Mama P said...

Unreal! Praise God for new mercies for Lizzy!

Tammy said...

I am glad little Lizzy will be safe. I am sorry for their loss but happy for what she is about to gain.

FootPrints said...

kate said...

Blessings and joy! And PEACE!

Cindy said...

Wow! Your life just got a little less crazy. Congratulations!

Deb said...

Wow! Glad that's over. Hope things start getting a bit easier and a lot more stable for Lizzy.

Diane said...

So glad to hear your GREAT NEWS!

Kelly said...

Big day. Big emotions. So happy. Wish I knew you in real life so I could hug your neck. :) So glad this part is over for you.

Turtle Mom said...

AWESOME!!! So happy for Lizzy and for your family!