Bare with me until September 20th. I am not a huge fan of fun raising and all that, but I want to do the best I can until this thing is over so that I know I did all I could :)
With that being said, have you ever heard of Angie Smith? She is the wife of one of the members of the singing group Selah.

After she had the baby she wrote this book. This book is about a mom who had a baby that went to heaven before she did, but for me, it was such a mirror to what I was going through knowing that my first daughter would be taken from me and placed back in a less than ideal situation.
I know it is not the same, but the emotions that she describes...I have felt them. I don't know if it is at the same level, but I have grieved a daughter.
Anyway, if anyone is interested, I have ONE copy of this book that is like new. It will go straight from my house to yours for $12 with FREE shipping.
The money will be going to the fundraiser.

I want it!
Apparently my button isnt working is it?
julie, i have your address. do you want me to just send you an invoice?
Yes please :)
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