Thursday, April 12, 2012


"So, how does it feel going from 2 kids to 3 kids?"

People crack me up. Obviously some people who aren't very close to us don't know about our foster kids. Or people who "just" met us...

but, to answer the question:

I have gone from 1 child...

to 2... (for 5 months)

to 3... (for 8 months)

to 4... (for 6 days)

to 3... (for 4 months)

to 2... (for 2 months)

to 4... (for 5 1/2 months)

to 2... (for 6 months)

to 4... (for 3 weeks)

to 2.... (for 7 months)

to 3. (currently)

Can I tell you something?

It felt darn weird to have less than 3 so I guess my life feels a bit more normal than it did while I waited 9 months to get baby K here.

Going from 2 to 3 feels good.


Sophie said...

LOL love it. Life as a foster parent is different, for sure. I bet most of these people don't realize you could be doubling one day soon. heehee :)

Vertical Mom said...

That's funny! I had a friend just say, "How do you do it with five?! You must have pulled all of your hair out by now!!! We can't even handle our two!" I laughed and said, "After you have three, adding more makes very little difference. Three is what pushes you past that point."

Unknown said...

Haha! Yes, they don't know the life of a foster parent. What really feels good is going to three with permanency!

Maggie said...

I always tell people that things only seem hard until you do something harder! Three was only hard until I had done four...two was only hard until I had done three.

That happened when I had Naomi too - "Oh my, life is completely different with two!"
When I had previously parented four children at a time.

Unknown said...

Ha!!!!!!!!!!!! SO true! People asked me how it felt going from 2 to 3...apparently they were unconscious during my pregnancy with Phoebe.

check your in box.

casey said...

Hi, I just started blogging and came to your posts. I appreciate your candid honesty. I've been fostering for several years now and I'm looking to add another child to my pack. I'm super nervous about it. I think I'm mostly unsure about deciding what age range of child I want. I have a 13yr old girl and 7yr old boy. I like that you are very sure of your fostering age group. Congratulations on your new baby, what a pumpkin!