Thursday, March 10, 2011


I have come to realize one thing over and over again.

My foster children have no rights.

Their parents have rights.

The children do not.

Just ask Lizzy who, after 9 months, still screams every time she has to have a visit with her legal dad.

Just ask Sabrina who TOLD people that she was being sexually abused at her mother's home and was still sent back there to live.

All you have to do is watch this system not work over and over and you will see...

...these kids have no rights.


Learning to Parent said...

I could not agree more. :( The funny thing is, all of this stuff they file under "Reunification is in the best interest of the child..." yet anybody with 1/2 of a brain can clearly see that this is NOT in their best interest.

Heather said...

I think the only person that has any right in all of this is the "parents" I used that word loosely. Although I do like that my current caseworker helps me be passive aggressive :)

Not Just A Birth Mom said...


Diane said...

SO TRUE. And foster parents that try to speak for the kids are seen as squeaky wheels who "just want to keep the kids". So sad, but so true!

Julie said...

Our Little Dude has a good GAL. She definately advocates for the kids' best interest. HOWEVER, there is only so much she can do. As a parent I try to do everything I can to protect my kiddos. It's sad when sometimes no matter what you do... they still get hurt.

Anonymous said...

So sad. :( This is a tough gig.

PS- I want to put together a 'blogoshpere' version of a foster parent panel, and was wondering if you would be interested in being a part of it?!? Please email me at:

Unknown said...

That is the sad, sad truth!