Friday, October 12, 2012

The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still.

Last week I was cleaning up and found the piece of paper that I first wrote down the phone number of the kids adoption worker.  This was back before I knew if they would even consider us to adopt them or not.  Under the phone number I had jotted down the words "Expect Miracles".  Not because I was being prophetic, but because it is a quote on a bracelet that I own that I probably meant to send out to someone and was using that same paper to remind myself.

So, when I found that paper all I saw was the name and the phone number of the adoption worker and the words "Expect Miracles".

Immediately God spoke to me and said, I know that this adoption is a mess...Expect Miracles.

What has happened is a miracle and it doesn't make any sense.  The DHS that the kids are from HATES my agency.  They had already said a FIRM "no" to working with our agency and was going to make the kids adoption agency take over everything and COMPLICATE everything.  Things probably would have dragged out for months.

Our kids are ready to come home.

They are sad to leave.

They want to live with us.

Our legal children miss our non legal children.

We miss our non legal children.


Expect Miracles.

Everyone had done a 180 and is giving every thing to my agency and everything just got SUPER DUPER easy.

We should be able to move them home very very soon.

They will be home while the paper work moves.  We don't have to wait 2 more months to bring them home.

They will probably be moved in with us by the end of the month.

Expect Miracles.

This is what God does.  He still does miracles.


Deb said...

Wow!! Love seeing God's miracles and love being able to watch them happen with your family right now.

Diane said...

It's wonderful watching your story unfold! God is good!

Allison said...

I love this post!!

Mary said...

I need to write down "Expect Miracles" where I can see it often!
Looking forward to hearing the news of ALL of your children being home at last.

kate said...

God is GOOD!!

Anonymous said...

A miracle indeed!

Carrie said...

So excited for your miracle! The Lord is hitting me over the head with the title of your post :)

Stacey said...

You have no idea how much this encourages and REMINDS me again. I have the same bracelet. EXPECT MIRACLES (He told me to buy it as a prophetic act when I wear it.)and it's a long story but I know God is working on our behalf too! That what looks impossible is NOT. Thanks for this today. I know you are simply sharing your life but it reiterates God's faithfulness to me.