Saturday, October 27, 2012

SUNDAY IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


aka. Mimi said...


Carol said...

What a big day at your home. I am full of mixed emotions for all involved. Feeling it for foster mom as well. Praying for all.

Karen said...

Wow. Seems like just a few days ago you were blogging about Joseph- amazing how God has had a bigger plan all along. Praying for everyone today- you and your husband, your new kids and the original ones, the foster mom and family, and these kiddos birth family. Wish I lived near you and "knew you" so I could bring you a meal, hopefully you'll feel the prayers on the road ahead!

Oldqueen44 said...

Hope today is a blessing to everyone.

Kateri said...

Exciting times!

Kateri said...

Exciting times!

Stacey said...

Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Give me an F! Give me an A! Give me an M-I-L-Y!

FAMILY!! Home sweet home forever!

Unknown said...

Congrats to you all, best wishes for an easy transition!