Thursday, November 15, 2012

I promise.

Sisters in foster care, this is for anyone who is wondering if they will make it through this week, the next few months or the next court hearing.

I promise.

It IS worth it!


Anonymous said...

A very nice reminder, thanks!

Cherub Mamma said...

As I drove an hour west yesterday toward the town where visits with the bio family are held -- I questioned this very though. I was ready to throw in the towel.

If it weren't for the kids, I would have a long long time ago.

This is not for the faint at heart.

StarfishMom said...

yes. yes it is!

Mandy said...

You cannot possibly understand how much I need this encouragement right now.

Katie S said...

I haven't commented before, but I've been reading for a while. I'm a foster mama too, and I've really been wondering lately whether all this is all worth it. So much stress, tears, frustration...

I needed this. Thank you.

Aspiring Foster Mama said...


MamaFoster said...

all of us need a reminder at some point. i have had some very low days as a foster parent and i remember them well.

Unknown said...

I have been reading through many "foster mamma" blogs recently and as a former foster mamma - now adoptive mamma of 3 - the frustration, pain and uncertainty of it all takes me right back. All of your comments here remind me how hard it was. The road is long and has a LOT of bumps. This is not easy or for the faint of heart but the work you are doing is absolutely worth it. It is a blessing to pray for all of the amazing foster moms I have been reading about. Danielle B.

Unknown said...
