Tuesday, July 31, 2012

up. down. up.

I called the foster mom of the three kids to get an update.

We talked along time. The kids have had a rough couple of weeks. They are disobeying and the middle child (girl) is peeing in her pants way more than she should.

You know, typical foster care stuff.

Well, towards the end she told me that the adoption worker had ruled out the one Grandma officially and the 2nd Grandma never called to try to get them at all. Then she asked if they had been looking for any families to adopt them. Foster mom was told that 2 families have been found and she was under the impression that neither was us.

I hung up more disappointed than anything. I thought I would be relieved if they ended up with someone else, but that isn't how I ended up feeling.

I told my husband and he had that say look on his face - ok, but disappointed.


This morning I got a call from foster mom. She had talked to someone a little closer to the case. Yes, the Grandmas are out of the picture (I am not 100% sure it is over over, but it looks like it is over) and yes, they had found one family for the kids...

and it was us.

So, if this is correct, we are truly "next in line".

I guess we will see what happens now.


Cherub Mamma said...

It's nothing if not a roller coaster!

Unknown said...

Ohhhh! The emotions! Strap your seatbelt on and hang on for the ride.

FootPrints said...

OOOHH MYYY GOOOODNESS. such a roller coaster!

Charlene said...

Oh wow! I hope that what she's heard turns out to be true for you :)

aka. Mimi said...

:-) Gotta love that roller coaster! Can't wait to see how this goes! :-)

StarfishMom said...

Ahhhhh!!!! So excited!1 XoxoxoX

Aspiring Foster Mama said...

Hormones or not, I am totally crying right now after reading your post! Ahh - God is good.

Stacey said...

I have been stalking your blog...WAITING on this news! Whew! That's a relief!

I am SO excited to see what happens next!

Your family is Grooooowing! yay! =)

Karen said...

Praying for that little girl. And the other two kiddos. And your family. How exciting and yet nervewracking! Praying that if it be His will, He will clear the path ahead!

Diane said...

WOW! Hurry up and wait! My goodness, I can't believe they aren't chomping at the bit to try to move those children to permanency. It seems like they should have been talking with you while they were checking the Grandmas so they would be that much further along. I'm excited for you and hope you hear something official soon!

Mie said...

Oh my! My newest advice to new foster parents is to remember that nothing is ever true or final and not to overreact to initial discussions about things. You know the kids will go home when they actually leave. You only know if they will stay at home when they are removed or they turn 18 and are still at home. You only know the kids will not leave (be removed from your home) when the judge signs the final adoption decree and you get a certified copy or two with the county stamp in your hands. Other than that everything else is always up in the air.

Rachael said...

Oh, wow. That's incredible. I hope this works out in a way that gives you all peace.