Monday, February 17, 2014

On becoming a CASA....

You know, I have had times when I was like, "I WILL become a CASA!"

It sounds kinda great, especially after being in many situations where I felt totally helpless when it came to court and my foster kids.

My concerns are:

How much time it will take to train to become a CASA.  I am not sure if I am exaggerating it in my head, but I feel like I probably wouldn't have enough time right now.  I will have to look into that.

Also, I have heard about a few not so good CASAs and how much the foster parents don't like them.  I worry that I might find myself in a situation like that.  What if they don't like me?  At least one party won't, most likely, because you will be on a "side".

I am not sure that I can be impartial.  I feel like I might think that every bio needs their rights terminated because I have been a foster parent.  But, on the flip side, what if I am too sympathetic to the bios?  Even in my own children's cases I would tend to make excuses for them.

I know the goal is to be on the side of the child.  I think I could do that.  Perhaps I would need to be a CASA to an older child so they could tell me what THEY want...even though that could come with its own set of issues if I don't agree with them....


Plexus Prosperity Pipeline said...

I could be wrong - but a google search leads me to think you can do the CASA training online. :)

I think definitely being a CASA to an older kid would be more fun (not too old though - like the age of your oldest would be good) you can take them to do fun things and at the end of the day still make a difference in the life of a foster kid's CASA took her to six flags once! It was a great day for my girl :)

Who cares if they don't like you? Someone isn't going to - like you said, but you'll sleep at night knowing you're acting on the kids' behalf. :)

Cara said...

I am a CASA in Texas.
I don't know where you are located, but I can share my experience if you are interested. I have gotten so much out of it, but it really isn't anything like fostering and may not fill that need inside of you.
My email is

Aspiring Foster Mama said...

You would be a blessing with your wisdom and experience. I have to say that if you want to make the most impact, it needs to be for children who can't speak for themselves just yet... IMO. Love you and your servant's heart for foster children.

G said...

I'm late responding to this, but wanted to tell you...I'm a foster parent who has had CASAs I didn't like.

I doubt if you would be one of them.

The CASAs I didn't like were the ones that didn't do anything. They were on the case, so the judge thought the child had advocates. They attended every court hearing and made "recommendations", which (in my area at least) are listened to with a great amount of weight. But they NEVER met the child. They never talked to me (the primary caregiver) about what was going on in the child's life. I don't mean I think they should be on "my side." I mean the good CASAs ask me things like "did you notice any behavior changes after the visit?", "how is the child doing in school?", and just general "how are things going?"

Having been a foster parent, I think you would know what a resource they can be on the child's general functioning, especially how they are affected by visits.