Thursday, April 11, 2013


One month from today I will be the official, only, LEGAL mom of six.


If you had told me that back in the old days I would have laughed at you.


Karen said...

The "official, only, LEGAL mom of six" almost seven! Seven. So happy for your family.

Debra said...

Yeah and congrats! I am in my count down to my 2 boys, should be some time in June for us! Very exciting time for sure. :-)

Congrats again and ENJOY!

Anonymous said...


Julie said...

Yep! And #7 is coming up too. Now be sure to block these keywords on your google search: sibling groups, adorable children, one more ;)

Not Just A Birth Mom said...

SO happy for you! I can't believe it!

Odd Socks Mummy said...

I'm a new reader - found your blog through Foster Care Dad. Just started my own blog about our family's adventures in foster care. I look forward to seeing the post saying that they are officially yours!

Missional Family said...

Woohoo! Can't wait! I have adoption envy! 5 is just not enough!! I'm thinking 3-5 more a must!

Denver Laura said...

That's gonna be one crazy Mother's Day.