
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Houston, we have a problem.

You all are like family to me, really, and there is just something about another foster mom...meeting another foster mom just makes me feel like you get me and I get you.  I have had so many of you rooting me on now for literally years and I have been rooting you all on for literally years.  When I watch one of you go through the hard parts of foster care my heart breaks because I have been there, and so many of you were there for me while my heart was being ripped in two.

I don't know how many of you read, but I do, faithfully.  In a way, I think she is best known for the investigation she lived through last summer.  After the investigation, quite frankly even though she was cleared of any wrong doing, the CPS worker she was dealing with had no intention of placing her foster children back in her home.

But God.

They did in fact end up back in her home and are currently still there.  It is a LONG story, but friends, it has become clear that "Cherub Mamma's" family will need to hire a lawyer and intervene in this case to try to keep these kids safe.  At this point a few of us, namely "Mimi" over at, have been working on coming up with some ways for the family to raise money to pay for the lawyer.

The numbers $15,000 - $20,000 have been toss around concerning how much this could cost them.

Isn't it supposed to be FREE to adopt through foster care???  ;)

Anyway, I wanted to tell you all this so that I could give you an opportunity to "chip in" and help, because seriously, I would do the same for all of you.  We are a family.  We get it.  Sometimes something BIG has to be done and, in this case, 2 little kids hang in the balance.


First off, I will be matching donations made through this blog up to $200.  You donate $5, it becomes $10.  Sounds like a good investment right?

Secondly, I am going to let a cat out of the bag.  "Mimi" and I, along with several other ladies, will be working on a book that will share our stories told by us about our experiences through foster care.  This is something we would have LOVED to throw together and have available ASAP, but that isn't exactly how a book works now is it?  So, everyone that donates at least $10 to our fundraiser, you will receive a sneak peak into our book in progress.  It will be my chapter of the book telling all the details of how our newest baby was placed with us and the drama that surrounded it.  And, for this fundraiser and my readers ONLY I will add some of our personal family photos so you can see all these beautiful children for yourself!!!

All you do is click on the "Donate" button, donate, and then come back and leave a comment telling me where you would like me to send the sneak peak to (email address or mailing address, email is preferable).  Or, you can email me at with your email address or mailing address).

Ok, here is the button:

Easy enough right?  Give me until Monday, May 20th to email you the sneak peak please!  I am working hard to get it finished!!!

And, just because I can because I am his LEGAL mom now, here is a shot of my new son.  I know, he's adorable.


  1. I totally agree with you on the fact that any foster parent is like family. I really want to help out. I'm requesting a check from an organization we were working with to raise money for our adoption that we stopped doing. As soon as I get the check I will make sure it get sent her way. I think its almost $300

  2. Words cannot express how grateful I am for the support we are getting in this virtual community.

    THANK YOU Mama Foster!!!!

    THANK YOU everybody!!

  3. A BOOK!?! You foster moms continue to amazing me. I am barely making it through probably what is considered an easy placement for you guys (drama just comes b/c it is a family member's child).

    I love following all your stories and continue for pray for all your families.

  4. Thank you so much for partnering with me on this, Mama! I just keep telling everyone that if everyone who has been praying for Dude and Dolly would donate even $5, we could help alleviate so much of the financial burden for this family. Their situation is stressful enough without having to worry about the financial part of it. THIS is one situation that WE can do something about!

  5. Having been in a similar situation, I totally understand your fight!! I will talk to DH immediately about making a donation!

  6. I donated and shared your request on my FosteringShenanigans site.
    Blessings and success!

  7. Thanks for sharing Leah! I was happy to donate.

    Shelley P.

  8. Thank you so much Ladies!!!!!!!! Really, I cannot thank you enough!

  9. Your new son is absolutely beautiful-love those big brown eyes. I'm waiting on our June stipend to make a donation-will your match offer still be on the table? I am so excited that this online community is coming together to keep these babies home where they belong! :0)

  10. Alice, I will match anything that comes in up to $200 total no matter when it comes in.

    Thank you!!!

  11. Have faith...we thought we would have to do an intervention, and as soon as the attorney got involved, CPS suddenly agreed with us! You can email me my sneak peek to
