
Saturday, May 11, 2013


On Friday we finalized our adoption of the three kiddos.

It feels so good to have that done!

We still have to finish the adoption of the new baby.  I wish we could have done it at the same time, but it is a different case.  Bio sib to the three we just adopted, but a different case.

I am debating about the family picture because the baby not being adopted.

It might just happen though. :)


  1. Still in shock that you have (almost) 7 children :) Congratulations!!!! xxooxox

    Post the picture!!!

  2. woohoo!!! Thrilled for you!!

  3. Just in time for Mothers Day!!! Congratulations!

  4. Congratulations! So happy for you!

  5. So happy for you! When I started following your blog, you had one bio and two foster children. Amazing things can happen in a short amount of time. Congratulations!

  6. Congrats hun, enjoy! :-) I hope the last one is done soon for you!

  7. Yay! Congratulations. I've followed you from your one bio and one foster all the way to this point and all along the way, I'm thinking...I don't think i could handle 7 kids, but I'm so happy that you have been blessed that way! =) hope that last adoption goes quickly for you!

  8. Congratulations! What a great thing to have happen right before Mother's Day. Hoping to hear good news soon about the youngest!
