
Monday, February 25, 2013

Sister. Via, the Internet.

Have you seen what is going on over at

I check her blog Every. Day.

You should too, and read all the past posts.

Anyway, she just got handed a newborn adoptable baby!!!!


  1. I know, I keep clicking refresh, hoping to see a pic!!

  2. Um, I had to turn away in jealousy! TWO baby girls? I could only dream of such things...LOL.

  3. Wondering if that is psychologically healthy and even be a single mother caring for two babies under six months old. Seems a bit odd to me.

  4. How is a single mother who is already caring for one infant able to obtain another "adoptable" infant? No, it is not fair and if she was not in the field she was in, there is no way they would be placing another child in her care. I guess there is something to be said for connections after all.

  5. Lol. ^ where did you guys come from? You obviously know her blog. Anyway, she has a great baby sitter and she will get through this tough stage. What about a mom who just had twins? Not much difference.

    I understand that she might have connections, it's possible, I don't think that's the case though.

  6. Okay, not to jump on the judgy bandwagon, but I was turned off as soon as I read the "F" word a couple times. :-/ But I LOVE you!! :)

  7. Yes, she curses like a sailor on her blog. I find this completely unnecessary. I have often wanted to say something about that. Also, she does not answer any comments. I personally, think that she is a bit of an opportunist. I have read through her entire blog and then some...have had a minimal of interaction with her. I have found her to be rude. I am sorry. And yes, she did get the baby via a connection...someone who works in the system connected her. I am sure there are many more women, qualified and wonderful, who have not had a chance to be mothers yet. Why does this young woman need two babies?! And who is caring for them while she works? Her sitter is now going to watch two infants for $600 a month? It's all very interesting.

  8. PS: I like you and your blog very much :) and in no way mean to offend you. But Rebecca...not so much.

  9. Rebecca is an acquired taste for sure. She lost jacket right around when I lost Sabrina. I have NEVER spoken to her so you would know better than I. Thank you for the kind words about my blog.

    I check her blog everyday because of her story. She is totally hipster and I am...well, totally not. But, I have to admit that any foster story catches my attention and she is one of the ones that shares the most and that is probably what I like about her. I get where you are coming from though. :)

  10. Wow. Just wow. Those anonymous commenters, that is a nice group of ladies.
    Apparently the f word kept them from reading that Rebecca was not handed a baby, but had a crazy hard set of foster moms to deal with for about four years. Possibly her sailor mouth kept them from reading that she'd been fostering to adopt all that time and was introduced to a birth mom who chose her. Somehow their education level kept them from reading that ACS got territorial and hid the baby, and it's not certain she will get her.
    If they will know we are Christians by our love, what will they know these women by?

  11. And Loosey, you sound like a very nice, young "lady" yourself. Kudos to you for your sterling opinion.

  12. I never read the blog but as a single mom with five adopted children, I am wondering what the big deal is that she has two babies and is single. I have had tons of foster kids and the last two that I adopted are 7 months apart in age. I had a three month old when I heard about a baby girl that needed an adoptive placement. I threw my name into the pot and low and behold the agency chose me even though there were other families and couples wanting her as well. I already had four kids and like I said, one was a three month old. And no, I didn't have "connections." God is in control and he puts kids where they are meant to be.

  13. ^ Rachel, you are a rock star. Don't worry about anyone thinking otherwise. ;)

    1. I've never been called a rock star before but i'll take that as a compliment. Lol. Thank you. You are, too.

  14. She doesn't have the baby right now :( It's all very sad.

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